Thanks Angela! Your 7 day weight loss plan works!! I had been meaning to do it for awhile… then I found out I had to model bikini’s in a charity fashion show… with 2.5 weeks notice – ACCKKK! Nothing like that kind of motivation ha ha! I lost 5 lbs in 1… week. Then I kept going with the diet plan, kept away from caffeine and alcohol for another week and lost another 2 lbs. My energy is up, I feel great, and I was working out everyday. I have low blood sugar so this worked for me since I could still eat so much. Amazing when you put your mind to doing something what can be accomplished in a VERY short time!!!  :)-Angela Case   

“I signed up for 6 weeks with Angela as I had been trying to lose some weight for a while but things weren’t working. I had just finished 2 months of boot camp and had lost a few pounds and inches but nothing substantial. I was getting really bored of doing the same workout and was frustrated I wasn’t seeing results. Then I signed up for 6 weeks with Angela and it made a big difference. I have noticed lots of great changes….I am more toned, I am stronger, my clothes fit way better as I dropped a dress size…I actually was able to fit into an old pair of jeans that I couldn’t previously!! I feel great!

One thing I really love is she designs your workouts for you…I told her I hated my fat legs and so we do lots of “skinny leg workouts” as we like to call them! Her workouts are hard and intense but every time I see her we do something different which is great. I never get bored and never know what is coming next which keeps me motivated. Not only do you get a great workout but she also teaches you a lot about nutrition and proper form while exercising. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next 6 weeks brings. Thanks Angela for all your help!” -Lindsay

Lindsay kicked some serious butt in the Training Studio!!

Having recently had a new baby, I wanted to lose the last 5 pounds gained during pregnancy before heading back to work. To hold each other accountable, another mother and I signed up to train with Angela. With her help and motivation, I was able to lose the last 5 pounds in 5 weeks and was able to comfortably fit back into my clothes. Angela varied our workouts to keep us from getting bored and to constantly shock our bodies. In addition to our workouts, Angela helped us with our diets in that she monitored our food diary’s to make healthy suggestions. She offered a lot of nutritional tips that were easy to incorporate as well as new recipes to try. She made it easy and I feel great!”

Barb before     After            Before          After

Maria’s Story…

“A year after having my son, I still had plenty of baby fat hanging around and was not happy with the way I looked or felt. After hearing about Angela, another mother and I signed up for her 5-week weight loss program to help shed some excess weight. We met with Angela twice a week for some intense workouts. In addition, Angela provided us with nutritional support that included an assessment of our diets, healthy recipes and tips to help with weight loss. In just 5 short weeks, I lost 6 lbs. and 9 inches overall! Most importantly, I feel good and continue to incorporate her training tips and nutritional advice today. Angela is great and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is serious in losing weight and living a healthy life. “

    Maria before                      After


Working with Angela these past couple months has definitely been a positive aspect of my life. Not only does she push me to get the results that I desire, she also educates me about my health every step of the way through different exercises and by asking me questions every time I see her. I learn quite a bit while training with Angela but at the very same time, its enjoyable. In just over 2 months I started to feel better in my everyday routines and my clothes started to fit a lot better! Becoming more physically active and aware of the foods I eat has undoubtedly changed who I am and has absolutely boosted my confidence.I couldn’t of done it without Angela’s guidance and support!!

-Louisa Nguyen


“I enjoyed training with Angela, she definitely pushed me yet was subtle in her ways while coaching & guiding me through my lifestyle changes.She would ask questions but never tell me to make a change. Then later, I would think, why does she ask about what I eat… or questions why I eat this or that? She knew I knew the right choices, I just wasn’t being conscious about them. I would make the change on my own. Even though I may not have wanted to let go of some of these habits, I wanted results and I was willing try a new way. Sure glad did!! (Sarah lost 18 lbs in under 3 months time!!)

Sarah Pearson Acton     

“You should know that I appreciate all the support and understanding you’ve provided in these past few months. I couldn’t have gotten to this point without you, and because of you I know I’ll keep at it and not lose my motivation that has taken me so long to find. You’ve really helped me become more of the kind of person that I want to be so thank you so much for everything.”

-Samantha Izen (Samantha lost 20 lbs, 16.5 inches in 2.5 months!!)

“Angela has gone way beyond my expectations – her genuine care for my success is obvious in her on-going attention to my individual needs. After training on my own for years and not getting the results I wanted, Angela’s approach to fitness and nutrition is currently getting me out of a rut and I am finally seeing changes in my body and overall health. She’s kicking my ass, but it’s worth it!”

-Lori Leach

“I began personal training with Angela in preparation for a pool-side vacation in Palm Springs about a year and a half ago. The thought of spending a month in a bathing suit was VERY motivating! The goal was simple – firm- up and lose 12 lbs. We began training 2 times a week, six weeks before I was heading off on vacation. It was fun, informative, energizing, and most importantly successful ! Angela knew how to get results while making the work-out fun and interesting. The results were so dramatic that I continue to train with her, now going 3 times a week, and on my last sunny vacation I felt great in a 2 piece bathing suit! Id highly recommend Angela to anyone looking to improve their health, energy and body image.”

         -Lynn Johnson (lost 12lbs in my 6 week program!!)

“My life changed for the best once I started training with Angela. She tailored a program that was perfect for me. I have always been active with sports, but I was always missing core strength and lean muscle. Not only was I able to obtain lean muscle mass, I also lost that stubborn 5-7 lbs of body fat! I am thrilled to say that I succeeded along with Angela’s help! Angela is everything you could ask for in a trainer: she walks the walk, she’s passionate, she has the experience and knowledge, she’s a great motivator, she’s funny, and just a lovely person all around. She really listened to my needs and got me the results! Thanks Angela!”

         -Shannon Chung    (lost 7 lbs) Alive Health Centre

“Angela is a very knowledgeable and conscientious personal trainer! She has taught me how to exercise safely, and how best to maximize the benefits of exercise for my health and ongoing physical conditioning. Angela is always extremely positive, focusing her attention towards achieving my set goals and overall wellness. She listens attentively to my feedback, and is willing to adapt our workouts to best suit my needs and/or energy levels. Her training routines are always challenging, versatile and fun! No matter how stressed or tired I feel going into a session, I always leave my workouts with Angela, feeling better both physically and mentally! I have tried other personal trainers in the past, and never felt motivated enough to continue. I would highly recommend Angela as a personal trainer – she’s simply the BEST!”


“Dear Angela, It was truly awesome to work with you over the past few months. I really appreciate the way you were able to communicate and direct me towards my fitness goals with professionalism and humor. The workouts that you devised were unpredictable and progressively challenging, but, most importantly, they yielded the results that had eluded my solo efforts. Without your dedication to my progress, I would have given up in frustration.”

-Maureen Seay (lost over 25 lbs!)

“I have been working with Angela for over a year now and I cant imagine giving that up. The changes I can feel and see in myself are the result of her patience, persistence, and dedication to me meeting my goals. Angela has an incredible way of recognizing your abilities and then pushing you to exceed what you think you’re capable of. Her upbeat attitude and honest commitment to your success makes working with her both fun and motivating.”

-Patricia Stratiotti  (lost over 35lbs and over 40 inches!!)